Be a part of the biggest, best, and certainly most enjoyable rummage sale in Northern California.

Our volunteers keep the Sale going,
60+ years strong.
Key to the success of the White Elephant Sale is a corps of nearly 1,000 volunteers. These tireless individuals are the heroes of the Sale, spending untold hours throughout the year sorting, pricing, and displaying the countless items that we are so fortunate to receive, to be sold in nearly twenty different departments. We are incredibly grateful to all our volunteers and thank them for their time, dedication, and effort.​​
Our mission is to raise funds for the benefit of the Oakland Museum of California.
Volunteer with us
Volunteers must be 18 or older.
The following minimum number of work days is required of all volunteers:
1-2 days a month, May — December
Our warehouse in Jingletown is open one week a month: 9:00 AM — 2:00 PM (May through August, Wednesday — Saturday; September through December, Tuesday — Saturday)
1 day a week during Sale days (usually February through 1st week of March)
Our warehouse is generally open Tuesday — Saturday, 9:00 AM — 2:00 PM
1 or more days for clean up
Warehouse hours TBA