About the Sale
The White Elephant Sale has been a wildly popular event with thousands of followers in Oakland and beyond for over half a century. Here’s why:
It is, in a few words, the most colossal, stupendous, and mind-boggling rummage sale you could ever imagine – and then some. It is recycling on steroids, a treasure trove of once-loved items from near and far, a bonanza of one-of-a-kind vintage items, a bargain hunter’s dream come true. With almost 20 departments in a warehouse nearly twice the size of a football field, there is absolutely something for everyone of any age, from bassinets to bicycles, fur coats to garden flamingos, paper clips to handmade pottery, sterling silver trays to top brand sewing machines.
How does it all come together? Over the course of a year, nearly 1,000 volunteers sort, clean, and repair a massive selection of goods from greater Bay Area donors, then mark them at prices ranging from low cost to an outright steal.
Each year, toward the end of winter, we host our Preview Sale, a ticketed event for shoppers to get early access to the merchandise. In the following weeks, during the Open Warehouse Days, ticketed shoppers have their chance to work their way through the warehouse for a limited number of days. Many come multiple times since volunteers continuously add new-to-you merchandise throughout the warehouse. On every Open Warehouse Day, credentialed California preK-to-12 classroom teachers get free admission after 11:00 AM. A photo ID and proof of current employment are required.
Finally, during our Clearance Weekend, we open the warehouse doors for free to everyone who loves a bargain. It’s your last chance before our annual Sale ends to score must-haves at unbelievably low prices.
The beneficiary of all of this hard work is the Oakland Museum of California, as much an institution in the East Bay as the White Elephant Sale. With its richly curated galleries of California Art, History, and Natural Sciences, it’s a destination for visitors from around the world, and its public events draw thousands for outstanding education and entertainment programs.
Sale dates and times vary from year to year. The 2025 White Elephant Sale dates are:
Preview Sale: Sunday, January 26, 10:00 AM — 3:00 PM.
Open Warehouse Days: Select days between January 29 and February 22, 10:00 AM — 2:00 PM.
· Week 1: Wednesday, January 29 through Saturday, February 1
· Week 2: Wednesday, February 5 through Saturday, February 8
· Week 3: Wednesday, February 12 through Saturday, February 15
· Week 4: Monday (Presidents Day), February 17; Thursday, February 20 through Saturday,
February 22
Clearance Weekend: Saturday and Sunday, March 1 and 2, 10:00 AM — 3:00 PM.
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